Sunday, August 10, 2008

D.I.Y. Apps: Part III The PDF Manager

(Reproduced from The Furtive Penguin )

Of the many tools which can be used to create and manipulate PDF files on a Linux system pdftk is probably the most powerful and useful. It can:-

Merge PDF Documents

Split PDF Pages into a New Document

Rotate PDF Pages or Documents

Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required)

Encrypt Output as Desired

Fill PDF Forms with FDF Data or XFDF Data and/or Flatten Forms

Apply a Background Watermark or a Foreground Stamp

Report on PDF Metrics such as Metadata, Bookmarks, and Page Labels

Update PDF Metadata

Attach Files to PDF Pages or the PDF Document

Unpack PDF Attachments

Burst a PDF Document int

o Single Pages

Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams

Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)

This is quite an impressive feature set but of course, as supplied, it is a command line tool. A GUI frontend is available for it but you will need to install the Lazarus Pascal compiler before it will run. PDFTK-GUI is available here and the Lazarus compiler together with instructions for installing on Ububtu can be found here. This is quite an overhead just to run one GUI front-end so I am offering an alternative script. The script allows you to access much of the functionality of pdftk without mastering the command line syntax. Just for good measure pdftotext is included as well.

In order to use the script you will need to install the following packages:-pdftk, poppler-utils (or xpdf-utils).Both packages are available from the Debian/Ububtu repositories. Once installed I suggest that you create a PDF directory in your home folder and store both the script and your collection of PDF's there.This script could be easily adapted for use with 'Dialog'. Anyone wishing to do so could usefully consult the previous two articles in this series. There are examples and plenty of code to cannibalize in Parts 1 and 2.

The obligatory screenshots are included below:-

The PDFManager Script (Available here)


Whichever you decide to install...have fun!

D.I.Y Apps Part IV Project Manager 2

( Reproduced from The Furtive Penguin )

Get the Script here.

This is the latest in a series of articles designed to encourage people to make their own apps on Linux. It is hoped that either:-

a) The script will be useful to someone as it stands, or:-

b) The code can be cannibalized and put to better use by anyone wishing to experiment and customize.

The script makes use of a few simple functions followed by a menu which is defined using the case/esac statement. In this sense it is not dissimilar from the last script in this series although, of course, it serves a completely different purpose. In Part II of this series I posted a script designed to serve a similar end but it was somewhat buggy and offered considerably less functionality. The current revision offers the following options:-

0 Create Project Folder

1 List Folder Contents

2 Open Folder

3 Open Files For Editing (Gedit)

4 Open Files For Editing (OpenOffice)

5 Open Files For Editing (Bluefish)

6 Backup

7 Backup Individual File (You will need to enter the full path for both target and destination)

8 Encrypt Folder

9 Decrypt folder

Most of these are self-explanatory and the overall purpose of the script is fairly clear. It is designed to allow convenient grouping of associated files in 'project' folders. New folders can be created and files can be accessed with a variety of applications dependent upon their type and file extension. There is also provision for backup ( both of the entire folder and individual files ) and encryption. You will need to install 'ccrypt' and 'bluefish' to take advantage of options 5,8 and 9. The best fun you can have with it tho, is to modify it to suit your own individual requirements. Enjoy!

(If you wish to create a launcher for this script simply right-click on the desktop and select 'Create Launcher' from the context menu. Give it a name and supply the path to the script. YOU MUST also check the 'Run In Terminal' box. Click on the 'No Icon' button and you will be presented with a selection of icons. Choose one and click 'OK'. The icon will appear on your desktop. Drag it onto your top Desktop toolbar. Subsequently all you will need to do is click on the icon on your toolbar and a terminal with the 'Project Manager2' menu will appear on your desktop.)

Get the script here.

D.I.Y Apps Part 5 Text Substitution with RPL

( Reproduced from The Furtive Penguin )

Script here

Recursive text substitution in multiple files is not a task that the average end user is called upon to perform very often. But lets suppose that you have a couple of web sites either with a hosting company or on your own server. Let us suppose further, that you want to change the mailto link address on every page on your site. Not a problem if you only have 5 or 6 pages but what if you have five or six hundred? Clearly, in the absence of an automated text replacement utility, you are going to be spending a lot of quality time with the WISYWIG editor of your choice.

Of course you could always employ the venerable 'sed' command with 'find' and 'exec' but that has limitations and the syntax is possibly the most bizarre and grotesque construction in the whole of Unix! Here is an example:-

find ./path/to/directory -type f -exec sed -i 's/oldtext/newtext/' {} \;

Enter 'rpl'!! The program was written for Debian as a free replacement for the non-free rpl program by Joe Laffey which can be found here. Rpl defines its function in the following terms (from the manual):-

"Basic usage is to specify two strings and one or more filenames or directories on the command line.The first string is the string to replace,and the second string is the replacement string."

One of the joys of 'rpl' is that it will replace text recursively by simply specifying the -R option. If you are running Ubuntu/Debian 'rpl' is available from the repositories. It is of course a command line tool but the man page is amongst the most intelligible and comprehensible that I have ever read.

In keeping with the spirit of this series of articles I could not resist writing a 'Dialog' front end for the 'rpl' program which allows the user to deploy some of its most useful functionality from the GUI. Here is the help file included with the script:-

OPTION 1. prints this help file - OPTION 2. will replace all instances of a text string with a new string in a given file - OPTION 3. will replace all instances of a text string with a new string in all files in a given directory. - OPTION 4. will replace all instances of a text string with a new string in all files in a given directory and all its sub-directories. WORKS WITH TEXT AND HTML FILES ONLY! You will need to enter the full path to all files and folders. This front end script should work equally well for single and multiple word substitutions . RPL is a command line program and it is capable of much more than this. In order to acquaint yourself with the full range of its capabilities consult the manual - man rpl. Enjoy!

As you can see the script allows you to replace text in a single file; in a group of files in a directory or in an entire directory tree. Having access to a tool like this can save hours of arduous labour with an HTML editor. In order to make this work you will need to install 'dialog' and 'rpl'. They are both in the Debian/Ubuntu repositories. I have tested this fairly extensively and it seems to work OK. if you find otherwise please let me know so that I can fix it. Enjoy!

Script here

Click to Enlarge